The scientific program of the workshop will cover the following topics:
- Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering, nuclear excitation by neutrinos
- Neutrino scattering in nuclear physics, astrophysics, nucleosynthesis, oscillation experiments
- Solar and supernova neutrinos: models and detection
- Double beta decay: experiments and nuclear matrix elements
- Beta decay for neutrino mass measurements
- Cosmological neutrinos and detection feasibility
- Neutrino flavor transformation
- Beyond-the-Standard-Model physics searches, sterile neutrinos, experimental anomalies
- Direct dark-matter searches with atomic and nuclear targets
- Indirect dark-matter searches
- Neutrino astronomy and multi-messenger astrophysics
- Instrumentation for neutrino and dark matter detection
- The future of nuclear-structure theory/experiment and its implications for fundamental physics