The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a neutrino experiment under construction with a near detector at Fermilab and a far detector at the Sanford Underground Research Facility that will observe neutrinos produced at Fermilab. The far detector electronics are streaming out a constant rate of ADC data at 2 MHz. As the signals can be very small, no zero suppression is applied. The...
Triggered data acquisition systems provide only limited possibilities of triggering methods. In our paper, we propose a novel approach that completely removes the hardware trigger and its logic. It introduces an innovative free-running mode instead, which provides unprecedented possibilities to physics experiments. We would like to present such system, which is being developed for the AMBER...
Trigger and Data Acquisition System, or TriDAS for short, is a triggerless streaming readout software developed initially for the NEMO neutrino telescope project. Since then, thanks to its scalability and modularity, the system has been adapted to collect data from different phases of the project and also from other detectors. In summer 2020, TriDAS was used to implement a prototype streaming...
Jlab and ESnet jointly identified a need for terabit scale data processing of DAQ data from new large scale accelerator facilities. Most DOE instruments are evolving to provide 100's of gigabits to many terabits of raw data, which needs to be processed in hundreds of hardware accelerated DSP equipped servers for event extraction and data set recording. In this talk we describe the...