Dec 8 – 10, 2021
America/New_York timezone

Welcome to Workshop IX on Streaming Readout

The workshop will be held online from December 8-10, 2021

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in detector design, electronics, data acquisition, and analysis to present and discuss ways to realize a streaming readout system for future nuclear and particle physics experiments.

Streaming readout leverages the advances in electronics and computing to achieve continuous readout of all detector signals without requiring a "trigger" as was common in traditional readout schemes.  This enables detector signal processing, zero suppression, and extraction of signal information (amplitude, timing, integrated charge, etc.) using ASIC chips or FPGAs in parallel on the data streams with unbiased event selection and reconstruction downstream with online computer processing in clusters of CPUs or GPUs.

Almost all future experiments, particularly future EIC experiments, will use streaming readout in some form.  Furthermore, many existing experiments are converting to a streaming readout paradigm.  The purpose for this workshop is to present current work and plans, illustrate existing designs and available hardware, and to discuss signal processing, data formats, software libraries, and networking. The goal is to achieve a common streaming readout framework that can be used by many experiments.

Everyone is welcome to attend, listen, and participate in the discussion but we are very interested in the work you are doing in this area and invite you to give a brief (20 minute) presentation on your detector, expected data rate, and readout strategy.  Please submit an abstract, using the link to the left, or contact if you would be willing to give a presentation.

7 Dec 2021: Registration for the workshop is now closed. Everyone registered for the workshop should have received an email with the zoom link for the sessions. If you registered and have not received this email, please contact us directly via email.


A read only version of the live notes google doc that was collected throughout the workshop can be found here.

Wednesday Recordings (passcode: 1=Hc57AD)

Thursday Recordings (passcode: j*#a?c4+)

Friday Recordings (passcode: 29BG3@b?)

Here is a link to the previous workshop held at MIT in April this year.