Mar 15 – 16, 2021
America/New_York timezone

The completion of the Yellow Report advanced the understanding of appropriate detector technologies needed to meet the requirements of the EIC physics program.  This EIC Calorimeter Workshop, organized by ORNL and BNL, is intended to focus on the hadronic and electromagnetic calorimeter detector concepts building on the work of the multiple EIC Yellow Report Workshops and the many EIC detector Expressions of Interest.  A deeper study of the challenges of the requirements, technologies, and necessary R&D for calorimetry to inform upcoming experiment proposals to be submitted later in 2021 will be undertaken at this workshop.  It is recognized that optimal performance will require input from multiple subsystems (including timing and tracking). Broad international participation in this workshop is very much encouraged.

This workshop will take place online due to the impact of COVID-19.  Instructions for participation via Zoom will be sent to registered participants. There is no registration fee.

Please, register before March 4 deadline.

Organizing Committee: D. Morrison (BNL), M. Chamizo (BNL), T. Cormier (ORNL), M. Demarteau (ORNL), K. Read (ORNL)

International Advisory Committee: J. Brau (Oregon), E Chudakov (JLAB), L. Cunqueiro (ORNL), S. Eno (Maryland), Y. Goto (RIKEN), T. Horn (CUA), D. Jeans (KEK), A. Kiselev (BNL), R. Pöschl (IJC Lab), C. Woody (BNL)
